Age: 18
Hair: Blonde, tied into a ponytail, red elastic band.
Eyes: Brown
Build: Runner’s build, because she runs a lot. She’s got intense calf muscles.
Uniform: She wears a red “SALE” shirt (either red with white font or white with red font, she rotates) to give her credibility as a mall employee. She wears black uniform pants. Sometimes she’ll wear glasses that “change her face.” She desperately wants to tie in a cape.
Personality: She’s bubbly and excitable. When she talks about the evils of capitalism she sounds like a teenage girl talking about makeup. She’s pushy, but it’s in a friendly way. You don’t really realize she’s pushy until after she’s left. She makes vague literary references, mainly to Dante’s Divine Comedy and any other form of Nekyia, but her bubbly disposition generally undermines her credibility.
Back story:
As a child, she got lost in the Eaton’s Centre and has been forever against malls, one-stop shopping, and other inane, deadening routine-based forms of capitalism. She aggressively hates mass consumerism, commercialism, and capitalism. She doesn’t have any alternatives in mind, and she’s not sure what the difference between Marxism and Communism is. She dropped out of University because they wanted too much money, which meant the University institution obviously supported the evils of capitalism.
She gives people wrong directions inside of the Eaton’s Centre, making them trapped inside the mall forever (i.e. another ten minutes). Her long-term goal is to open a store to direct people to that traps them inside. She hopes to make a device that will brainwash them to not want to obsessively shop and maybe be better people. She also considered making them an army, but she’s not sure what she wants to do with an army.
This commission is for tuna yo of Gaia Online.
This is a character for her brilliant project, Left on the Cutting Room Floor.
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